Call Pest Control (206)-218-2776

Residential home inspection for King County are $200


I specialize in humane and effective methods of removing animals from houses.

A wide variety of birds means a wide variety of exclusion methods. Small birds will often peck through vent holes high up in the house to access a warm attic perfect for a nest for some future chicks. It’s always important to try to remove the birds before their nest is fully established. Once the chicks have hatched, there is no way to safely remove them until they are able to fly out on their own. Noisy chicks early in the morning can be quite annoying.

Pigeons are highly prolific from spring through summer. A seemingly small nest can multiply if not removed. Pigeons are one of the few birds that will use their droppings to make a nest. They will pile sticks in a circle and then use the droppings to solidify the nest. Given the proper conditions, the droppings can grow a fungus that causes a respiratory illness called histoplasmosis.

Call (206)-218-2776