Call Pest Control (206)-218-2776

Residential home inspection for King County are $200


I specialize in humane and effective methods of removing animals from houses.

North America’s only marsupial is a uniquely fascinating animal. While mostly a fairly docile animal, they can be fiercely defensive if provoked. Opossum’s are incontinent which means they can destroy a crawlspace or attic in a short period of time. They are omnivores which makes them highly adaptive to urban environments.

They will give birth to up to 20 babies called Joeys, where they will crawl from the pouch to the mother’s back and will often stay with her for up to a year.

Exclusion methods for opossums can vary and, unfortunately, can be difficult to physically extract because they tend to stay very quiet, making them hard to find.

Identifying the entry point and installing an exclusion door is typically the best option.

Call (206)-218-2776