Call Pest Control (206)-218-2776

Residential home inspection for King County are $200

Rats and mice

I specialize in humane and effective methods of removing animals from houses.

Rats populations are predictably high in large cities and Seattle is no exception, consequently rats are the most common animal that I deal with. The most important part about solving a rat or mice problem is an in-depth home inspection to determine the full scope of the problem. Locating active entry points is often only solving half the problem. During the home inspection I am also looking to identify other areas that are vulnerable to future intrusion to decrease the possibility of an ongoing problem. Most pest control companies often treat a rat or mice problem the same way they would insects, monthly contracts and poison. My main concern would be to fix the problem of how the rats/mice are gaining access to the house from the outside. Rats are surprisingly intelligent animals and will often find creative ways to get into your crawlspace, attic, basement or even into your living space.

It is always recommended to deal with your rat situation as soon as possible. Rats are highly prolific and can multiply quickly. A mother rat can produce up to 12 pups! Rat’s teeth are constantly growing, so they need to do a lot of chewing to file their teeth down. This means they like to chew on things that are soft enough to sink their teeth into but hard enough to sharpen when they pull their teeth out. This can mean chewing on wood, the plastic coating on electrical lines, Pax plumbing lines, and in rare cases, they will even chew on lead in old sewer lines.

My methods of exclusion are crafted in such a way to resolve the current problem and to help eliminate the necessity for any ongoing treatments.

Depending on the situation I use humane snap traps and sometimes live traps where snap traps aren’t an option. I personally consider poison to be a dangerous and ineffective form of eradication so this is not a service that I provide.

I do offer different types of solutions for rats outside the house like gardens, sheds, chicken coops, etc.

Rats can carry a host of different diseases, viruses, and contaminants. The most common are:

  • Hanta Virus
  • LCMV
  • Salmonella
  • Tularemia
  • Leptospirosis
  • Toxoplasmosis

Call (206)-218-2776